Hamas Denies Child Casualties In Israel Attack

Hamas called on media organizations to maintain objectivity and professionalism and not blindly adopt the Israeli narrative….reports Asian Lite News

Hamas, the Palestinian group responsible for a significant attack on Israel, has refuted allegations of causing civilian casualties, especially among children.

In a statement published on their website, Hamas strongly rejected “fabricated allegations” propagated by some Western media outlets, accusing them of adopting a “Zionist narrative full of lies and slander against our Palestinian people and their resistance.” These allegations included claims of harming children, beheading them, and targeting civilians, Andolu Agency reported.

Hamas criticized these outlets for embracing the Israeli narrative without proper verification and warned against covering up the “crimes of the occupation” and the continuous Gaza massacres.

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According to Andolu Agency reports, the group affirmed that their operation, known as “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” aimed at targeting Israeli military and security systems, which they considered legitimate targets.

Hamas further claimed that their members made concerted efforts to avoid civilian casualties, as evidenced by numerous field video clips and testimonies from settlers who spoke to the media.

Hamas called on media organisations to maintain objectivity and professionalism and not blindly adopt the Israeli narrative.

ALSO READ: UNHRC chief condemns Israeli ‘siege’ of Gaza


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