Saudi, US vow to prevent ISIS resurgence

Saudi Arabia has joined the presidency of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh Africa Focus Group, along with the US, Morocco, Italy and Niger….reports Asian Lite News

Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah and his US counterpart Antony Blinken chaired the Riyadh-hosted ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh, where they pledged commitment to joint efforts in preventing the resurgence of the terrorist organisation.

In his address to the meeting, the minister announced that the Kingdom joined the presidency of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh Africa Focus Group, along with the US, Morocco, Italy and Niger. He also welcomed the establishment of a focus group to combat Daesh in the Khorasan Province in Afghanistan, where this group will be an essential pillar for reducing the presence and spread of the terrorist organisation in the area.

Prince Farhan explained that the fight against extremism and terrorism requires all to make additional efforts to win the minds and hearts.

“Media, cultural and educational tools can combat their influence, and their paramount importance can be utilized to provide a vibrant, practical model for a better future based on tolerance, openness, sustainable development and prosperity, as exemplified by the Saudi Vision 2030 and similar initiatives,” Prince Faisal said.

Such initiatives and education allow young people to become the makers of the future, as they are the Saudi Vision’s goal and the pillars of its achievements, he added.

The minister stressed that the Kingdom has always believed that the path to security, stability, development and prosperity requires permanent collective efforts to combat terrorism and its criminal groups and confront an extremist ideology that contradicts all religious, human and moral values.

“Out of the belief of the Kingdom in fighting deviated ideologies, uprooting terrorism and renouncing and extremism, the Kingdom has embarked on establishing several centers to combat hatred and extremist terrorism ideologies, the most important of which is the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (Etidal),” the minister said in a statement.

GCC-US joint ministerial

During the GCC-US joint ministerial meeting, the Foreign Ministers discussed enhancing and developing joint Gulf work in various fields and intensifying the GCC-US action and coordination on multiple regional and international issues.

The participants at the meeting engaged in dialogue regarding efforts to reach solutions to many crises facing the Middle East region and the world.

On Iran, the GCC Council and the US reiterated their commitment to freedom of navigation and maritime security in the region and their determination to counter aggressive and illegal actions at sea or elsewhere that might threaten the shipping lanes, international trade, and oil installations in the GCC states.

On Yemen, both parties underscored the importance of the ongoing, UN-led peace effort in Yemen following the April 2022 truce and ensuing calm. They expressed their high appreciation of the efforts of Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the UN and US envoys to this end.

The two sides reaffirmed their support for Yemeni sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity and for the Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen and urged the Houthis to seize this opportunity and build on the past 14 months of calm to bring relief to millions of Yemenis.

On the Israeli-Palestinian issue, the US and GCC underscored their commitment to reach a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East in accordance with the two-state solution, along 1967 borders with mutually agreed swaps consistent with internationally recognized parameters and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The Ministers expressed appreciation for Egypt’s critical role mediating between Israel and Gaza armed factions during recent hostilities. The Ministers also emphasized the importance of bolstering the Palestinian Authority and improving the everyday lives of Palestinians including through humanitarian assistance and efforts to bolster the Palestinian economy.

On Syria, both sides have reaffirmed their commitment to reaching a political solution to the crisis in a manner that preserves Syria’s unity and sovereignty, meets the aspirations of its people, is consistent with international humanitarian law, and is in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254 (2015).

In that regard, the Ministers welcomed Arab efforts to resolve the crisis in a step-for-step manner, consistent with UNSCR 2254, as agreed during the Amman consultative meeting of the Arab Ministerial Contact Group on Syria on May 1, 2023.

The Ministers reiterated support for US and Coalition forces, who are working to achieve the enduring defeat of ISIS in Syria.

 The two sides stressed the need to create secure conditions for the safe, dignified, and voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons consistent with UNHCR standards, and the importance of providing the necessary support to Syrian refugees and to the countries hosting them.

On the war in Ukraine, the Ministers reaffirmed the importance of respecting the principle of sovereignty and international law, including the UN Charter and the obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

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