Planned power cuts extremely unlikely, says Zahawi

Planned blackouts hit the UK during the 1970s in response to the miners’ strikes and the oil crisis…reports Asian Lite News

The government is planning for blackouts but it is an “extremely unlikely scenario”, according to Nadhim Zahawi.

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster said it is “only right that we plan for every scenario”, before ruling out a £14 million campaign advising people how to conserve energy.

The National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO), which oversees Britain’s electricity grid, has said households and businesses might face planned three-hour outages to ensure that the grid does not collapse.

But it described this as an “unlikely” scenario and it would emerge if power plants cannot get enough gas to keep running.

Planned blackouts hit the UK during the 1970s in response to the miners’ strikes and the oil crisis.

There have also been major unplanned outages during storms, including in 1987 when more than 1.5 million people were left in the dark.

Zahawi told Sophy Ridge On Sunday on Sky News: “We’ve got the second largest LNG (liquefied natural gas) processing infrastructure in Europe.

“Half of our gas we produce here at home, we want to go further – this year we’ve increased our output by 26% on gas. We’ve got interconnectors with our neighbours.

“Now, what the National Grid is saying is the extremely unlikely scenario where there are issues in Europe with the interconnectors and a very cold snap, so it’s extremely unlikely. But it’s only right that we plan for every scenario. All I would say is we have a buffer, the same buffer as last year, and so I’m confident that come Christmas, come the cold weather, we will continue to be in that resilient place, but it’s only right we have looked at every scenario.”

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